Points Economy
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Configurating a Points Economy is the easiest first step in creating a points based rewards program with the following features:
Awards customers a points (n) for each unit of currency spent.
Expire Points
Establish Membership Status Levels (e.g. VIP, Silver, Gold)
To create a Points Economy click "Add Economy" in the Navigation of the TallyMarks Console.
Esablished the Name and Description of the Program.
Configured with one of the following status values:
An Economy that is in the process of being initially configured.
An Economy that is configured, available for testing but is not Active
An active Economy. Once a Economy has been made Active it cannot be edited and can only be made Inactive or Archived.
An Inactive Economy. Once an Economy has been made in active is cannot be made Active again.
An Archived Economy that is in a read only state.
The date that the Points Economy is effective from.
If more than one Points Economy is active, the Points Economy with the most recent "Effective From Date" is used.
Established the rate of base points earning that customers are awarded as points per unit of currency spent. This is based on Order.Total, Transaction.Total.
Set the Points Expiry Mode, see Points Expiry
Points Economy supports the establishment of Membership Levels based on spend thresholds.
Spend thresholds are based on:
Spend since the customers anniversary date ( Order.Total, Transaction.Total) for Levels where the Level Expiry Mode is Anniversary Date based (Until Anniversary Date, One Year Until Anniversary Date).
Spend since the last expiry where the Level Expiry Mode is based on Inactivity (Points/Spend).
The Level expiry mode defines how long a customer remains on a level:
Until Anniversary Date: Membership of the attained level expires at the Customer's anniversary date. For example, if a customer's join date is 31 May 2020 (making their anniversary date 31 May) and they are added to the level on 23 December 2020, they will remain a member of this level until 31 May 2021.
One Year Until Anniversary Date: Membership of the attained level expires at the Customer's anniversary date plus 1 year. For example, if a customer's join date is 31 May 2020 (making their anniversary date 31 May) and they are added to the level on 23 December 2020, they will remain a member of this level until 31 May 2022.
Inactivity (Points): Membership of the attained level expires as a result of no points activity after t days. Spend thresholds are reset and accumulate from 0 if a customer recommences activity.
Inactivity (Spend): Membership of the attained level expires as a result of no spend activity after t days. Spend thresholds are reset and accumulate from 0 if a customer recommences activity.
Order and Transaction Events sent (see Sending Events) to the TallyMarks platform will respond to the configured Economy creating transactions as required.
For more complex rewards scenarios rules should be created.