Triggers are a specific fulfilment actions that cause an Action event to be created some time in the future.
Triggers Actions are given a specified "NameSpace" to support targeting by specific rules configured in the platform, for example allowing the sending of an email in response to specific Action Trigger.
Triggers have two modes of operation:
Specified Time Relative to the Anniversary Date
A time period in a days, month or years (max 5 years) relative to the Customer's anniversary date. For example, if a customer's join date is 31 May the trigger will fire relative to the next 31 May. If the date has passed no trigger will fire.
Specified Time Relative to the Event
A time period in a days, month or years (max 5 years) relative to the date of the initiating event.
Trigger Repeat
Triggers can be configured to repeat, using the same mode of operation up to 3 times.
Example Use Case
Following up a redemption
A customer redeems points on 3rd June and an "create trigger" fulfilment rule is established with a more of operation "Specified Time Relative to the Event" and a period configured of 7 days and a NameSpace "Redemption.FollowUp"
After the 10th of June the trigger fires and sends an Action event to the platform with a NameSpace "Redemption.FollowUp".
An Action Rule with a NameSpace Assessment Criteria "Redemption.FollowUp" is configured and in response sends an email to the customer followup on on their redemption experience.
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